Gocek is located in Fethiye Gulf and our visitors who prefer Göcek gulet charter will find these beauties in the gulf. First there is benefit to tell about Fethiye Gulf to be able to describe Gocek. Kurdoglu Burnu terminates in a low rocky finger, with some isolated rocks off it, which will not be seen until close in.
Once into the gulf, the islands in the approaches to Fethiye harbour are easily identified, but the islands on the eastern side of Skopea Limanı are more difficult to identify.
In this small, muchindented gulf, protected by a chain of islands on its eastern side, there are numerous attractive anchorages in what is almost a primeval landscape. Vast reddish cliffs, pockmarked with caves and ravines, divide step slopes thickly wooded in pine. The water is very clear where it is shallow enough you can see in your Gocek gulet charter holiday the bottom and the numerous anchorages are justly popular in the summer time. In many anchorages it is customary to anchor with a long line ashore. Unfortunately trees are being badly damaged by the weight of yachts and gulets swinging on them. The local authorities have cemented in new mooring bollards around some of the most popular bays, and it is to these, or to rocks, that lines ashore should be taken, not trees. The prevailing wind blows up the gulf from the southwest in the summer. It gusts over the steep slopes in places to give exhilarating sailing in flat water.

Restaurants come and go in the various bays around Skopea Marina depending on whether they offend the local municipality in Fethiye for environmental or other reasons and also because they may not have paid unoffical taxation. Invariably restaurants reappear a year or two later if the owners think theres is a living to be made from the yacht and gulet customers. As long as they have not offended anybody with a lot of local power and have contributed to a retirement fund they will usually allowed to rebuild.Some of these waterside restaurants serve freshly prepared and tasty meals, others can be disappointing. It may worth investigating before committing yourself.
Gocek Gulet Charter – Bays and Villages Around Gocek
Kızılkuyruk village lies on mile of Ince Burun. The entrance is difficult to see from distance. From here you can visit ancient Lydaei, about an hour’s walk to the west. The ruins are on a splendidly isolated site. There are two mausoleums in a fair state , sections of paved road, and columns and other ancient debris lying about. The city was never an important one and after early Byzantine times it died out. Contact us for your Gocek gulet charter requests.

Kapı creek , this small creek lies just over ½ a mile southwest of the narrow channel between Domuz Adası and the mainland coast. When approaching from the south, Domuz channel will not be seen until close to. There are good depths in the fairway , and passage through it presents no problems. The entrance to Kapı Creek will not be seen until close to, when the restaurant at the head is conspicuous. Proceed into the steep-sided creek, which is free of dangers in the entrance. The end of the creek is shallow.